Print Recipe RED SNAPPER “EN CROÛTE DE SEL” HARISSA, PISTACHIO BUTTER RESTAURANT TRENDS come and go, and so do service styles. I take pleasure in going...
Crispy mutton 65 is a delicious Indian recipe served as a starter for non-veg and fried food lovers.
Weeknight dinners are a breeze with this easy recipe! Try this and you will never go after take away or any ready to eat meals. When...
No matter the weather, no matter which part of the world you are in, chocolate fudge is a winner for everyone. It’s got chocolate, it’s got...
You’re going to love this take on a tequila smash courtesy of Food & Wine! Modified by Devlin DeVore by adding apple juice, this makes this...
Print Recipe Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms Nothing stuffs it like this Vegan Stuffed Mushroom. Go on, give it a try. Good stuff! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You:...
Tandoori chicken tikka is one of the most popular chicken starter or appetizer from Indian Cuisine. Try this delectable tandoori chicken tikka stuffed with pepper, onion,...
Print Recipe Quick, Easy and Delicious Quickly saute potatoes with some spices to make this delicious Indian dish. Votes: 2 Rating: 3.5 You: Rate this recipe!...
While KFC is best known for its 2 or 3 piece Kentucky Fried Chicken, when we’re feeling a tiny bit peckish we love to snack on...
Print Recipe Love the way you Role Creamy is an understatement. This casserole will win your heart. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings...
Print Recipe Chana Dal and Cabbage Tikki Diabetic-friendly ingredients like chana dal and cabbage, flavoured elegantly with mint leaves and cumin seeds powder, make brilliant tikkis!...
Garlic cloves, if added in the right amount and cooked right, can do wonders to any recipe. Even the simplest of breads can be jazzed up...
Print Recipe Giant Easter Egg Cookie Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 25 minutes Passive Time 15 minutes...
Woo your sweetheart with this easy and delicious recipe by Chef Manish Mehrotra this Valentine’s Day! Print Recipe Valentine's Day Almond Strawberry Cream Recipe Strawberry &...
This colorful King Cake will get the wild rumpus started just like mischievous Max did in this classic book. If you make it correctly, your guests...
Print Recipe Masala Up! A delicious Indian starter to kickstart your Indian Meal Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2...
Cabbage potato curry taste just awesome!
Print Recipe Avial Avial, you”ll definitely find this dish served at tamil and keralite feasts! usually the coconut paste is added at the end but we...
Kebabs have played a major role in developing the human palate, especially in the Eastern hemisphere (more specifically Asia). From the jujeh kebab and falafels in...
Print Recipe Manchow Soup An all-time favourite, this soup is an ideal starter for any meal. The sharp flavours of ginger and garlic merge beautifully with...