Food at any time of the day is always a delight. However, breakfast has got to be our most favourite meal of the day. Whether it’s...
It doesn’t sound like much and it probably doesn’t look like much either, but Sukha Aloo is a dry potato preparation that is heavily based on...
Print Recipe Gratin of Creamed Salmon or Other Fish A quick and delicious main-course dish can be made by combining a good cream sauce with canned...
Print Recipe Chettinad Eral Masala Recipe Chettinad cuisine is something that if you try once you will be hooked to it provided you eat spicy food....
Kalaki is a type of South Indian omelet that is mostly served in Parotta stalls. This Omelet recipe is so similar to the regular one and...
Kaghzi Kebab is a grilled kebab comprising tender chicken drumsticks marinated and grilled to crispy smoky perfection. The drumsticks are stuffed with a stuffing made of...
Savannah Red Rice is a baked tomato and rice dish that's easy and delicious.
Chicken legs are one of the choicest parts of the chicken. They can be prepared in a variety of ways – popular methods involve boiling them...
It’s almost the Fourth of July and we’re sure you have an exciting day planned ahead, perhaps involving a barbecue and some family bonding time? If...
Minapa Sunni Undalu or Udad Dal Laddoo is a sweet that is very popular in Andhra Pradesh. Easy to make and absolutely delicious, this laddoo is...
Thanksgiving is around the corner, and even if you’re not big on the American holiday, you’re guaranteed to attend at least one Thanksgiving do (or even,...
Egg Halwa is a dessert served during important occasions as a special treat. Though the ingredients are simple with main ingredients being milk, sugar.
Recipe for the classic Daiquiri cocktail, featuring rum, lime and sugar. This is a very simple drink you can tweak to get just your preferred balance...
Cabbage Kootu, a healthy and flavorful South Indian side made from cabbage and kadalai paruppu. Learn how to cook cabbage kootu in this recipe.
Hyderabadi Style Mutton Biryani is a very famous food in all around the people. Learn how to make/prepare Hyderabadi Mutton Biryani by following this easy recipe...
Print Recipe POACHED CAROLINA SHRIMP SUMMER MELONS, LEMON BALM I HAVE combined shrimp and melon in many different ways, but sometimes, as in this simple presentation,...
Print Recipe Lemon Pepper Green Beans "These green beans are easy and delicious. They are a bit tangy, spicy, and crunchy with the almonds." Votes: 0...
Print Recipe SPAGHETTI WITH CHILES, SARDINES, AND OREGANO Never be snobby about canned fish—as every student knows, it can be the secret behind plenty a quick...
Print Recipe POULET POÊLÉ À L’ESTRAGON [Casserole-roasted Chicken with Tarragon] For: roasters, large fryers, and capons When a chicken is cooked this way, it is trussed,...
Winter is here (well, not quite, for all the GOT fans) and what could be better than a delicious (adult-version) of Hot Chocolate? Courtesy of the...