Delicious patty made with peas, topped with mayo and lettuce, isn’t this the burger you love ordering at McDonald’s. Now you can give it a try...
Print Recipe tennessee jambalaya This hearty kielbasa sausage stew comes from Beth’s Tennessee pal Colleen Cates. Cajun jambalaya recipes call for any meat that walks, crawls,...
Simply delicious recipe of mangalorean style paneer ghee roast recipe. Learn how to make paneer ghee roast in simple steps in this recipe.
In Food Wars, a Japanese magna series apple risotto makes an appearance. Here's a recipe.
Print Recipe blueberry pancakes Like me, my nephew Kyle loves anything made with blueberries, and he also loves breakfast for supper, a tradition we have perfected...
यह एक ऐसा डेज़र्ट है जिसे सुबह के नाश्ते में भी परोसा जा सकता है! हल्का मीठा लेकिन सेब के फलों वाले गुण और शहद की...
Cool yourself down with this Colorado Cooler, courtesy of Food & Wine. Even though it is a whiskey-based drink, it will leave you feeling buzzed and...
Egg curry is one of those humble everyday curry prepared with boiled eggs. Then you must try these delicious and quick egg curry recipes made with...
Along with awesome spells, colourful characters and a heady dose of adventure, Harry Potter Land is filled with references to delicious foods and drinks. Some of...
Print Recipe Classic Bhavnagri Chillies Classic bhavnagari chillies is a traditional recipe from the kitchens of gujarat, which stands out for its simplicity and intrinsic flavour....
Pineapple Kesari Recipe is a delectable sweet made with rava and pineapple chunks.
Print Recipe Restaurant Style Paneer Delicious and easy! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Course Side Dish Cuisine Indian Prep Time 5 minutes Cook...
Print Recipe A Flowery Affair! A yummy preparation with vegetables and lentils. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 medium...
Print Recipe French Tartiflette Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 35 minutes Cook Time 35 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 3 large...
For all those who’ve grown up watching Full House, know that Michelle Tanner was a foodie and gave us serious food goal. Especially when she says,...
Print Recipe ARUGULA PESTO A spicy sauce that’s perfect tossed with pasta. Be sure to wash your arugula thoroughly, in at least two changes of cold...
Print Recipe SMASHED PARMESAN POTATOES I love mashed potatoes as much as the next person, but most recipes take a long time—and a lot of elbow...
Print Recipe Brilliant Brew Cinnamon and cardamom infused milky coffee. Votes: 1 Rating: 2 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes...
Print Recipe Zucchini Parmigiana Layers of zucchini, ricotta and tomato basil sauce baked to succulent perfection. Enjoy the sheer pleasure of digging into the lovely flavours...
Print Recipe Garlic Grilled Mushrooms Recipe Delicious grilled mushrooms. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 150 grams garlic chopped75 gm...