Rasmalai is an easy and delicious sweet recipe which is loved by almost everyone. This scrumptious dessert is quite popular in Indian households and is made...
Print Recipe Dundee Cake Recipe Dundee cake is a famous traditional Scottish fruit cake with a rich flavour. Savor this Dundee cake made with glace cherries,...
Adding a tart fruit like blackberry is sure to give your regular tea a lovely, refreshing spin. Try out this recipe on a humid day and...
Print Recipe Spinach and Ricotta Bruschetta Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 8 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 Garlic Clove minced1...
Aside from their world famous Kentucky Fried Chicken, KFC is also known for its fiery grilled chicken, made by marinating, seasoning and then grilling chicken to...
Malvani Style Chicken Curry is a flavourful and rustic chicken gravy with burst of flavours. Chicken cooked in spicy gravy made with authentic flavour of malvani.
Print Recipe Thakkali Dosai Recipe Tomato Dosa Recipe is yet another South Indian variety of Dosa which is popularly eaten for breakfast in many parts of...
Ragi adai is a very healthy and tasty breakfast item.This adai recipe is very healthy and tasty.
Print Recipe Dahi Idli If you have batter on hand, then idli is undeniably one of the easiest snacks to prepare. However, plain idli might not...
Spinach is a great way to get nutrition and making this delicious salad would be a great start to Spinach Day! Print Recipe Spinach Day: Baby...
Print Recipe Thai Tilapia Tales Enjoy a delicious dish of fried Tilapia coated with Thai sauce. It takes only ten minutes to make! Votes: 0 Rating:...
Aloo Bonda is a south Indian tempting snack, high in calories is made with besan and boiled potato.
Print Recipe Kung Pao Vegetables Kung pao is one of the most popular dishes form the schezuan region. The charred dry red chillies provide the fiery...
Print Recipe Corn Flakes Chivda A big bowl of this delicious corn flakes chivda will make the perfect accompaniment to a glass of hot chai! Votes:...
Print Recipe JELLIED TRIPE This is summer captured in jelly. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 4 pig’s trotters2 whole...
Print Recipe CRAYFISH TIMBALE COCKSCOMBS, WATERCRESS VELOUTÉ THIS THOROUGHLY modern dish in fact revisits a legendary Bresse classic, Alain Chapel’s gâteau de foies blonds aux écrevisses....
Print Recipe Christmas Tart (Plum Tarts) "This is one of the most well-known dishes in Sweden and is served on a smorgasbord, for lunch, or as...
Print Recipe Drum-roll For Drumsticks! This kuzhambu with a tamarind tang gets extra points for its tasty coconut flavour! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this...
Print Recipe Badhusha Recipe Badusha is a famous South Indian sweet made with all purpose flour and sugar. It is usually made for Diwali. Votes: 2...
Lasagna is to oven what bread is to butter but what if we gave you the recipe to skip the oven and make this lasagna on...