Print Recipe Kalamata Cheesecake Appetizer It's believed the Greeks served cheesecake at the first Olympics, so why not rewrite history with a Greek cheesecake appetizer? Ingredients...
Print Recipe Fresh Fruit Raita Recipe This sweet and delicious raita makes use of curds-which is a powerhouse of calcium. A cup of low-fat curd meets...
Thai Red Curry with Vegetables is an aromatic, spicy, delicious yet amazingly simple to make recipe. Best served with plain steamed rice.
When it comes to sea food, crab holds a very special place in most meat-loving hearts. The tender flesh encased in the crunchy shell makes for...
Egg thokku is an easy and quick side dish that serves with chapati and rice. It tastes spicy and flavorful with spices, tomatoes, and tamarind.Today we...
Relish drool-worthy, Krispy Kreme style donuts at home with this easy recipe! Print Recipe Krispy Kreme Copycat Chocolate Glazed Doughnuts Recipe Mouth-Watering Doughnuts! Votes: 0 Rating:...
Print Recipe Mutton Curry Recipe Mutton Curry Recipe with step by step.Punjabi style mutton curry spiced with garam masala and pressure cooked. This is a popular...
Indian vegetable dishes are about as varied as Indian spices. Meaning you wouldn’t have to repeat a dish if you had just the right number of...
Summer (and humidity) is in the air so a tall glass of some chilled fruity mocktail isn’t exactly the worst thing. Especially, is it’s being shaken...
The Fourth of July or the Independence Day of the United States is just around the corner and the internet is filling up with celebration, food,...
Print Recipe Warm Double Strawberry Sauce This is a great sauce that we like served with Waffles, Pancakes or French toast, or served over frozen yogurt,...
Print Recipe Ladoo Recipe Rava ladoo is a simple and easy recipe but still exotic. Rava ladoo is made with roasted rava (sooji), coconut, ghee, sugar...
In Indian cooking, fish is generally prepared in a curry or by being fried. However, grilling it is a healthy method of cooking it and allowing...
Palak Corn is a delicious, healthy vegetarian dish prepared with spinach and sweet corn kernels. It is absolutely wonderful with Chapati or naan.
Print Recipe Beetroot and Sesame Roti A colourful roti tinged by the pink shades of beetroot and the savoury touch of til, with coriander powder and...
This variation on the white Russian is the vodka cocktail you never knew you always needed! Courtesy of The Spruce, the Dude would definitely want to...
Print Recipe Pie Bread Your Easter lunch is incomplete without Pot Pie. And pot pie and bread were just meant to be. Votes: 0 Rating: 0...
Ain’t no Holi party without a big platter of juicy malpuas, right? And there isn’t a malpua richer than a shahi malpua that comes laden with...
Print Recipe Hoot. Hoot. Make way for adorable. Absolutely chocolate-y, adorable cupcakes for any occasion- Halloween's my favourite. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Print Recipe CHOCOLATE MOUSSE WITH CHILES AND MANGO Chocolate and chile is one of those combinations made in heaven, and the mango just takes it to...