Print Recipe PASTA WITH TOMATOES, ANCHOVIES, AND CHILES Pasta and tomato sauce has become a midweek standby in every home. In this classic Italian dish, we...
A delicacy from Karachi, the Shikarpuri Chatkhara Karhai is a meat dish with a rich gravy consisting of whole and crushed spices. The preparation is spicy...
Print Recipe colleen’s cabbage rolls My mother always told me it’s a no-win situation to try to cook things for your husband “just like his mama...
Indian style prawn curry is a really easy and deliciously mild recipe, despite the long list of ingredients! The fresh flavours beat a takeaway any day.
Print Recipe Vangi Bath Vangi Bhath recipe or brinjal rice recipe, a simple spiced South Indian rice recipe with vangi or eggplant. The spice powder is...
Print Recipe Anda Palak Curry Recipe Boiled eggs cooked in spinach gravy. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20 minutes Cook Time...
It’s summertime, which means loads of outdoor parties! If you’re looking for a champagne cocktail that’s easy to whip up in bulk and are tired of...
Print Recipe Pori Urundai pori urundai is a crispy,crunchy balls prepared from puffed rice and jaggery. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Course Snacks...
Sorakkai kootu recipe is a quick and easy South Indian curry using lentils and bottle gourd. This is a tasty side dish for rice.
Meen Kulambu is a simple gravy prepared using very few ingredients which are easily available in our kitchen.
Print Recipe Chinese Fried Rice Recipe Chinese Fried Rice is one of the most popular fried rice recipes in the world. This vegetarian recipe includes lots...
Print Recipe Gulab Jamun There are umpteen ready mixes available in the market for making Gulab Jamun, but none can beat the traditional recipe made with...
Print Recipe Dal and Vegetable Idli A perfect breakfast option that combines a variety of pulses and vegetables, dal and vegetable idli is slightly heavier than...
Print Recipe PEPPERED MAGRET OF DUCK- RHUBARB VARIATIONS WE MAKE THIS dish with Liberty Duck, hailing from the exceptional Sonoma County Poultry in California, which was...
Print Recipe Grilled Asparagus with Ginger Juice Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2 pound fresh asparagus2 tablespoons olive oil2...
Print Recipe HOMEMADE GNOCCHI This is a great way to use up baked or boiled potatoes. You can make gnocchi with just flour and eggs, but...
Print Recipe Hakka Mushrooms A mushroom lover's delight! Tossed with garlic and soya sauce, these mushrooms are sure to tickle anyone's taste buds. Loaded with iron...
Print Recipe Vegetable Manchurian When you eat these deep fried vegetable balls in a soya-based sauce, do not let mundane things like the weighing scale bother...
In Julie and Julie, Meryl Streep manages to capture the moment Julia Child was bowled over by her first taste of a Sole Meunière in Normandy...
This popular mixed drink is so delicious and is so easy to make, that you may find the Sea Breeze quickly becoming your favorite cocktail fix. A...