Dragon chicken is a real tasty appetizer for all those who love Indo-Chinese cuisine. A tempting recipe is quite hot and spicy with very good tastes....
Thai pineapple rice gives a refreshing twist to our normal rice. It's a quick & easy dish that's so much cheaper & tastier than the one...
If you’re feeling a bit experimental, then why not try this take on a Daiquiri courtesy of Justin Olsen of Bearded Lady in Prospect Heights! The scotch...
Chettinad Vada Curry Recipe Print Recipe Why Worry? For a quick addition to your South Indian Breakfast table. Votes: 2 Rating: 3 You: Rate this recipe!...
Print Recipe ROAST BONE MARROW AND PARSLEY SALAD This is the one dish that does not change on the menu at St. John. The marrowbone comes...
In honor of one of Game of Thrones’ greatest villains (who didn’t get killed by a brick), try this Bloody Bastard cocktail courtesy of Buzzfeed. It’s...
Print Recipe POACHED EGGS [Oeufs Pochés] A poached egg is one that has been dropped without its shell into a pan of barely simmering liquid and...
Summers are around the corner. Save this easy recipe with instructions in Hindi for mango milkshake and enjoy a refreshing drink every day. Print Recipe Mango...
Getting the gang together this Sunday? Why not whip up a batch of Mango Mint Iced Tea cocktails. This vodka-based drink, courtesy of Awesome Cuisine, is...
I absolutely adore drinking a Green Apple Martini. As I once told my friend, it’s delicious and there’s a snack! It turns out that Nigella Lawson...
A relative of the Manhattan, many claimed that the Jockey Club was just that – but with a different name. However, the Jockey Club cocktail isn’t...
Started off as a web series, there’s nothing more that has glued the youngsters than Little Things. On popular demand it is back for a second...
Print Recipe Bring Some Apple Candy To Your Halloween Soiree! These poisonous looking black apples are sweet and delicious! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this...
If you’re looking for a quick and easy recipe to whip up a vodka martini, then this version of the Lemon Drop is just perfect for...
Eating well during the week can be super hard sometimes. We bring you a low calorie and super quick recipe that will blow your mind. You...
Print Recipe Chicken with Chorizo and Potatoes Grilled chicken legs served with roated baby potatoes and spicy chicken chorizo sausage. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
Pasta dishes make for a great lunch or dinner but a one-pan recipe is loads better, just for the ease of making it and the abundant...
Print Recipe Corn Manchurian The moment you think of Manchurian, it is ingredients like baby corn, cabbage, capsicum and cauliflower that immediately come to mind. Now,...
The animation will come to life and the Disney magic will be on screen as Dumbo releases early next year! Watch the trailer as you munch...
A round trip to Hanoi at this time of the year would cost your roughly INR 30,000 plus visa charges and don’t forget to add your...