Print Recipe Beetroot Cutlet Beetroot cutlet is delicious colorful vegetarian snack, which is a perfect bite for the kids. Try this quick snack for your tea...
If you’re looking for a lovely beer cocktail to whip up this Oktoberfest month, then we’d suggest the Low Approach cocktail, courtesy of Food & Wine!...
Print Recipe Homemade Christmas Ornaments Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20 minutes Cook Time 120 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 4...
Print Recipe Brocolli Me Up A delicious and healthy dish that even your kids will not complain about. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Print Recipe Buttermilk Pie Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20 minutes Cook Time 90 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 1/4...
Paneer Tikka Pizza is a mouth melting pizza recipe, here the mixture of delicious paneer tikka is topped on the pizza base and then flavored with...
Print Recipe Roast Peruvian Turkey "This is one of the juiciest and most flavorful turkeys I've ever made! The rub forms a crust that locks in...
Print Recipe Soak in Sambar A delicious and easy sambar to go with rice for the perfect meal Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Print Recipe PROSCIUTTO-WRAPPED Bread Sticks I use only a few store-bought products. But this one, when wrapped in prosciutto or rolled in cheese, makes for a...
Try this refreshing rose sherbet recipe with easy instructions in Hindi. With summers around the corner, this will make for a refreshing beverage every day! Print...
Print Recipe Creamy Mushroom Buns A colourful and flavourful combo of mushrooms, spinach and cheese is stuffed into soft buns, to make a satiating snack! The...
The mango milkshake is one such popular recipe that people love to have in the summer! This quick and easy delicious recipe.
Print Recipe Chicken Cheese Balls Chicken Cheese Balls is the another perfect Snacks recipe for non-veg lovers. Easy to make and delicious. So let's take a...
Print Recipe Don't Chicken Out! A saucy Chinese chicken. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 6 minutes Servings...
Print Recipe Good old, Sweet Corn to warm your September When you're sitting by the window and watching the rain, all you need is a bowl...
Haleem is a stew, which originates from Middle East Asia. The dish is widely consumed in countries like Pakistan, India and other in Central and Middle...
Print Recipe ROASTED GUINEA HEN, MOREL AND GIBLET–CRUSTED WHITE ASPARAGUS, VIN JAUNE JUS AT THE FARM in Saint-Pierre de Chandieu, near Lyon, I literally grew up...
Print Recipe Hazelnut Coffee Milkshake Hazelnut-chocolate spread blended with coffee powder, milk and vanilla ice cream to make this delicious milkshake. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You:...
Print Recipe Basundi Creamy Basundhi that's almost illegal. No, you don't have to use a spoon. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS...
Christmas is here, and what better way to have an adult festive season that with alcohol-filled baubles (yes, they exist)! Here’s a Very Merry Ornamentini cocktail...