Print Recipe Black Olive Pesto Sandwich Pesto is a traditional italian sauce prepared with olives, crushed pepper, basil leaves and olive oil. It combines very well...
VIDEO: Check out our delectable fried chicken maggi with a desi touch. This maggi dish is easy as well as mouthwatering and you can’t stop until...
Kung Pao chicken is a traditional Chinese dish served up with a sweet and sour kick. Although the preparation of the dish differs from country to...
Print Recipe Milk Paniyaram Paal Paniyaram is a simple comfort sweet dish of chettinad. Traditionally no nuts or saffron are added to this recipe. Votes: 1...
India is known far and wide as the land of spices, among many other things, and do we know how to make good use of these...
Print Recipe A treat from Mexico! Make well seasoned chicken fajitas using this recipe! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Looking for new ways to beat the heat the heat this summer? Try this Rosé Sangria Floats recipe, courtesy of Delish, it’s boozy and refreshing! Print...
Don’t worry if the name sounds a little more formidable than it is. This whipped cream & orange recipe courtesy of Smirnoff – gives a nice...
Print Recipe Bean Tostada A whole crisp fried tortilla makes the bottom layer on top of which beans and cheese are piled high. Votes: 0 Rating:...
Print Recipe Lapsi Ghee, milk and creamy rawa- why aren't you trying this out already? Votes: 1 Rating: 3 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 5...
Apart from being an internationally loved animation movie, Ratatouille is a traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish, which originated in Nice. Considering the movie of the...
Print Recipe Carrot fudge This carrot fudge recipe by Vineet Bhatia is a delightful after-dinner sweet with the spicy notes of cardamom. Use young carrots as...
Although this drink is vodka based, it’s not actually a Russian drink (I know, I was flummoxed too). Actually, this drink is said to have been...
Print Recipe Vegetarian Baby Bok Choy Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2 cups of organic green onions medium chopped,...
Print Recipe Pani Puri The all time favorite street food, Gol Gappas. Golgappa Puri, a round shaped small crispy puri that is small enough to easily...
Print Recipe Iced Pumpkin Cookies "Wonderful spicy iced pumpkin cookies that both kids and adults love!" Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time...
Burma – or current day Myanmar – is a Southeast Asian country sandwiched between Thailand and India. With the geography established, one can be assured of...
Print Recipe This Recipe Gives You Wings! Delicious chicken wings coated with a sticky sweet sauce are the perfect appetizer to any meal. Votes: 0 Rating:...
This fluffy, flavorful low calorie bacon omelet is surprisingly low in calories with lean turkey bacon and lots of caramelized onions.
This fabulous cake calls for a rather unique technique that results in a texture somewhere between “sponge” and “pound. “