Fruity, fun, and delicious, this vodka-based appletini is the perfect cocktail to whip up for a girl’s night in! Recipe courtesy of BBC Good Food, you...
Here is a Simple and Easy Payasam/Kheer recipe which can be done in no time without compromising on the taste.No need to condense milk or make...
This chicken fajitas recipe stuffed full of grilled chicken, onions, and peppers is perfect for an easy and healthy weeknight dinner.
Amir enjoys delicious Kofta Sandwiches when on a picnic with his father in The Kite Runner. This was one of the fondest childhood memories of his...
Popcorn chicken is a tasty, crispy way to enjoy juicy, white meat chicken.
Print Recipe Masala Peas! Flaky pastries filled with spicy goodness! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this recipe! Course Snacks Cuisine Indian Prep Time 30 minutes...
Murgh Malai Curry, as the name explains, is a creamy chicken curry made using meat chunks marinated in a rich blend of malai (cream) and mild...
Tequila Lime Shrimp is packed with flavor, easy to make, and is the absolute perfect summer shrimp dish. Enjoy a tasty and delicious sidedish with your...
Eating with no inhibitions is the style which is still trendy and we owe it to the Gilmore Girls for making it popular. The delicious pepperoni...
Try the delicious, healthy Aloo Ticky Chole chat. serve this snack to your friends and family members and make the party memorable.
Mexican cuisine is popular for the mouth-watering spices, cheese, and of course all the corn (cooked, ground, baked, and otherwise). One such popular Tex-Mex item that...
Print Recipe Holiday Leg of Lamb Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 20 minutes Cook Time 180 minutes Passive Time 10 minutes...
If you’re familiar with The Princess Diaries series (the books, not the movies), you’ll be very aware that Mia’s grandmother AKA grandmere has some bizarre quirks....
Harry Potter never got sweets as a child, at least that was the case while living with the Dursleys. On his way to Hogwarts he buys...
Roasted vegetables makes a Christmas dinner complete and when tossed with the right herbs they can even make regular meals a delight too. So serve up...
A traditional middle east cuisine delicacy which is deep fried ball or patty made from chickpea batter. it is typically served in pita bread as patty...
Print Recipe Banana Tarte Tatin This twist on the famous French apple or pear tarte tatin is not only one of the easiest desserts in the...
Have you seen Captain America: The Civil War yet? If not, we’re not going to spoil things for you but we will say this – there...
Print Recipe Baitha Varan The green paste gives this otherwise simple dish a complete makeover! It increases the vitamin A content, while the vegetables add fibre....
“The wedding guests gorged on cod cakes and winter squash, hills of neeps and great round wheels of cheese, on smoking slabs of mutton and beef...