Make this amazing sparkler on New Year’s Eve and keep the party rolling. Made with seasonal ingredients in winters, this drink is sure to give everyone...
Print Recipe Corn Dosa The best part is that the Corn Dosa can be made in no time at all, as it requires no soaking or...
Print Recipe CHILE AND SPICE WHITEBAIT Fresh whitebait, dusted in seasoned flour, quickly fried in oil, and sprinkled with lemon juice is very quick and simple...
The best thing about pasta is that not only can it be tweaked, dumbed down, sauced up, and customized in a number of ways but the...
Print Recipe Doodhi Theplas This is the real thing - a healthy snack that is full of protein, calcium and fibre. You'll be amazed at how...
Print Recipe Undhiyu A little something from Gujarat, packed with stuffed veggies. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 45 minutes Cook Time...
Print Recipe Classic Risotto Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2 tbsp unsalted butter 30ml1 tbsp olive oil 15ml1/2...
Pickles are an excellent and delicious way of stepping up the taste ante of any Indian food item. Loaded with fiery spicy and zesty flavours, the...
This Jack Daniels cocktail combines whiskey and lemonade for a refreshing kick! Print Recipe Farnell Votes: 1 Rating: 4 You: Rate this recipe! Course Drinks Prep...
This rich orange pudding recipe is very quick and easy to make. Serving it in individual glasses or ramekins makes it perfect for a dinner party...
Aladdin asks for his first wish to genie which is to become a prince. As genie looks through his cookbook he finds a few recipes while...
Lord of the Rings has won the hearts of many; it allows readers to escape into a beautifully described fictional world filled with magic, mystical creatures...
Print Recipe Gajbaje If you cannot find the vegetables given below, feel free to substitute with those of your choice. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
The authentic chettinad recipes are mostly prepared with freshly ground masala.
It’s never too cold to whip up a batch of this sophisticated frozen cocktail, a slushie version of the classic Negroni. The bitter flavors make it especially...
Make your Holi a little spicy this year by adding Mirchi Vada by Khandani Rajdhani’s chef to your menu! Print Recipe Hot & Spicy! Votes: 0...
Super easy and delicious Oreo Ice Cream Cake. This recipe is versatile for any time of year!
Jon Favreau’s Chef has left an impact on whoever has seen it. The mundane job of cooking the same recipes, getting fired to defy it and...
We recently attended a Hennessy Masterclass with the Brand Ambassador of Moët Hennessey – Shehan Minocher – and we got to learn some exciting cocktail recipes!...
Print Recipe Potato Salad Bites Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 10 small red potatoes1/4 cup...