These chicken stuffed buns call for a delicious filling to be cooked and then stuffed into dough and baked. Everything in this recipe is made from...
Nutella fans you are absolutely going to love this drink! It’s basically like a delicious milkshake with alcohol. Try out this Bartender’s Breakfast recipe, courtesy of...
Print Recipe Fudge in Five The easiest, fudge-ist fudge you'll ever meet. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 12...
Australian lamb chops are known far and wide for their distinct taste and brilliance. The meat preparation is not only a bundle of delicious flavours, but...
Print Recipe Spiced lamb burgers with herbed yoghurt This may not sound like an overtly Indian dish and in a way it isn't, but people in...
Little Things continues to be one of the most popular web series in India and is available on Netflix. The episode where Kavya is saddened by...
Aside from the fact that the Green Ghost is a delicious cocktail, with a lovely appearance and a killer name, not much is known about it....
Print Recipe CARROT, CUMIN AND ORANGE SALAD This is a lovely sunny-looking salad typical of Morocco. It’s also that rare thing – a salad that gets...
Because of its versatile nature, there’s a million and one different ways to cook chicken. In India alone, each region has many favourite preparations, including the...
It has been a long (long) weekend and we can only imagine that you probably feel the same way we do (dehydrated and full of regret)....
Tandoori Naan is a traditional and very popular Indian flatbread made in tandoor.
Print Recipe Lazy Decadent Cinnamon Rolls Recipe Wonderful, yummy and really delicious "LAZY DECADENT CINNAMON ROLLS" only from "Maria's Kitchen" Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
Print Recipe Hush Puppies- not just aw; awe too Oh come on, you need to try these- they're puppies for god sake! But seriously, light and...
Print Recipe BÉCHAMEL SAUCE In case you were wondering (you’re probably not, actually, but I’m going to tell you anyway), this sauce is named after the...
This soup is so yummy on a cold day!
Print Recipe Aloo Gobi Ka Pulao Soft potatoes and cauliflower florets are sautéed with cinnamon, dry ginger and turmeric and other spices and then pressure-cooked with...
Print Recipe Fried Polenta Better than French fries—and a great snack or appetizer. You can use other dipping sauces, but the simplicity of a good marinara...
Print Recipe Baked Palak Methi Puris Low fat puris? Absolutely! This non-traditional way of making puris is not only delicious, but it makes them rich in...
Talking of stuffed eggs, the first image that pops into our head is that of a simple devilled egg. But very unlike regular devilled or stuffed...
Masala Omelette is one of the quickest and tastiest recipe for breakfast with toasted bread slices.