Veg Kothe is an Indo- Chinese snack made with lots of veggies and in winters you could easily get a variety of fresh vegetables. Though you...
Print Recipe GRILLED PINEAPPLE with Nutella Pineapple doesn’t quite qualify as Italian, but Nutella (a chocolate-hazelnut spread) is definitely an Italian favorite of cult-like proportions, so...
This vodka-based cocktail is actually the official cocktail of the US Open! Try the Honey Deuce, courtesy of The Spruce for a sweet and refreshing drink!...
Prawn koliwada or koliwada prawns are a popular appetizer made with prawns marinated in a delicious (and deliciously spicy) mix . The prawns are further mixed...
Enjoy this Christmas season with lots of pasta!
Aval Sweet recipe is so divine in taste and can be made very quickly. It can be made for evening snacks when kids return from school
Kerala chicken stew is a delicious chicken preparation where chicken is cooked in a rich coconut broth. This stew is moderately spicy; adjust the green chillies...
This chicken saag recipe proves that you can eat healthily without having to miss out on your favourite foods. It comes in at under 500 calories!
Tofu Rice Bowl recipe is a spicy tofu bowl, full of marinated vegetables and fresh herbs, on a bed of grains, this rice bowl gets better...
Enjoy a delicious, spicy treat of your favourite maggi noodles complete with cheese and a dollop of mayo. Here’s how to make this amazing snack in...
Print Recipe Paneer N Cheese Roll The versatility of paneer never ceases to amaze me! cooking the paneer in this lip-smacking marinade imparts a delicious feel...
We’re all fond of a bellini, on a lovely day, and now you can pumpkin spice it up with this Pumpkin Bellini Martini courtesy of Monin!...
feature image source Print Recipe Peanut Butter Granola Pinwheels Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 4 tbsp creamy peanut butter2...
Print Recipe Maharashtrian Narali Bhat Recipe Coconut bhat is a traditional recipe from Maharashtra prepared with fresh coconut, jaggery and spices mixed in rice. Votes: 0...
Print Recipe Eggless Chocolate Brownie Eggless Brownie Recipe - An easy recipe of chocolate brownie made with whole wheat flour (atta used for making chapatis), sugar,...
Print Recipe Lassi Recipe sweet punjabi lassi recipe with step by step photos – lassi is another cooling and refreshing drink to have in the summers....
Print Recipe Karuvadu Kulambu Karuvadu/Dry fish kulambu is a very authentic recipe of Tamil Nadu's cuisine. It has awesome flavors and aroma and is a very...
Print Recipe Quick pan-fried halibut Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients ¼...
Print Recipe BEET, RED ONION, RED CABBAGE, CRÈME FRAÎCHE AND CHERVIL Too often you are offered a fait accompli on a plate, a weave of ingredients...
Malai Peda is a delicious and simple to make Indian sweet or dessert which can be easily made at home for festivals.