Easy to cook, but healthy and very delicious with Tofu Spread. To buy it follow this link: https://tofuspread.com
The chicken curry is cooked with coconut milk and mild spices. The addition of coconut works wonders for the chicken curry and lends an amazing flavour...
In this recipe, the marinated chicken is dipped in a spicy batter and deep fried. Follow this easy recipe to make some delicious chicken pakora and...
For Halloween, make some delicious pumpkin bread! Check out this easy recipe from Chef Gautam Mehrishi which was also featured on ‘100% Veg – Health Ka Dose’...
Sweet potato is an excellent choice for your health!The milk and saffron in the recipe also work wonders for the body. Enjoy a delicious bowl of...
Chef Joe Manavalan, Assistant Vice-President, Innovation and Design, Licious, brings to you this easy and super delicious recipe for Mahi Kebab. Print Recipe Mahi Kebab...
Chef Joe Manavalan, Assistant Vice-President, Innovation and Design, Licious, brings to you this easy recipe for utterly delicious Mackerel Xec Xec. Print Recipe Xec Xec Recipe...
Doesn't require any cooking. It is loaded with the good stuff, it is super healthy and great for kids too or post workout or a mid...
Possibly the yummiest and the best thing you can do with the leftovers. Needs no or very minimal cooking. This is gluten-free and very low on...
Phoebe are hungry like anything and order just before Ross and Rachel showed up. Phoebe orders a tomoto tart and both the pastas. We’re pretty sure...
Chef Joe Manavalan, Assistant Vice-President, Innovation and Design, Licious, brings to you this easy recipe for Lamb Kebab. Print Recipe Lamb Kebab Recipe Votes: 0 Rating:...
Chef Joe Manavalan, Assistant Vice-President, Innovation and Design, Licious, brings to you this easy recipe for Spiced Up Chicken. Print Recipe Spiced Up Chicken Recipe Votes:...
Wondering how to make your favourite Chicken Masala powder? Look no further, we have the perfect recipe to get the masala that you can use while...
Cotton candy infused in vodka to make that perfect welcome drink. Print Recipe Halloween Special: Cotton Candy Shot Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Now you don’t have to choose between healthy and delicious. Because it is healthy, delicius and easy to cook. Tofu Spread is amazingly tasty. To buy...
The Portuguese dish, Vindaloo, is traditionally cooked with red wine. It was indianized by the local Goan cooks with the substitution of palm vinegar for the...
Northern Flavours Meethi Masti on Living Foodz explores the rich culinary heritage of North India. Check out this easy recipe from Chef Ranveer Brar who hosts...
Northern Flavours Meethi Masti on Living Foodz explores the rich culinary heritage of North India. Check out this easy recipe from Chef Ranveer Brar who hosts...
Here the fish fillets are coated with a batter made of gram flour, yoghurt, eggs, lemon juice, and deep fried till golden. Print Recipe Machhi...