Chef Gautam Mehrishi’s perfect recipe to make excellent Makhane Ki Kadi, a thin yoghurt based gravy with toasted lotus seed, is perfect for your Navaratri celebration....
What’s a festival without a bit of sweet? Make Besan Ladoo with this easy recipe, and celebrate your Navaratri with this delicious ladoo! Print Recipe Navaratri...
Spiced lightly, Sabudana Khichdi is an important dish during Navaratri celebration. Print Recipe Sabudana Khichdi Recipe Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Cuisine Indian...
Dopiaza literally means two times the onions. An extremely popular Mughlai recipe, onions are used in large quantities to prepare the dish. Print Recipe Gosht Dopiaza...
Chaman means tomato in Kashmiri. Kashmiri Paneer Chaman, a traditional Kashmiri dish, differs from other paneer dishes as it is mainly prepared with tomato and fennel...
An extremely popular Indian recipe, it is made in authentic Kolhapuri style, in which the chicken pieces are marinated in curd and spices. The same traditional...
An aromatic lamb dish of Persian origin, Rogan Josh is one of the signature recipes of Kashmiri cuisine. An authentic Kashmiri recipe, Rogan Josh is prepared...
VIDEO: Tired of the same old appetizers? Switch it up with these delicious Paneer Nuggets! This simple dish is super easy to make and is a...
Make this simple Oreo Mug Cake with just five ingredients. Delicious and easy to make, this is the perfect recipe for your dessert! Print Recipe Oreo...
Lemon Pepper Chicken with Creamy Garlic-Lemon Sauce – chicken thighs seasoned with lemon-pepper seasoning, baked to perfection and served with the delicious, cheesy, garlic-lemon cream sauce!...
In India, we love to celebrate special occasions with sweets! What’s perfect than some homemade chocolate chip cookies to celebrate this Teacher’s Day with your favourite...
Our mornings are so busy that we skip the first meal of the day with no second thoughts. Instead of skipping breakfast, here is an easy...
Not all of us have amazing baking skills and sometimes, burn the food or the house. This is an easy recipe to make an Icebox Cak,...
Remember Beyonce’s album, Lemonade? The reason she titled it so is the old adage, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Though the album starts with a sour, heart-wrenching...
Now that you are tired from all the biriyani you have been eating, here is an easy recipe for an amazing dessert. Cranberry Nut Brittles. Indulge in...
Slow cooked lamb breast
A traditional mango curry with a touch of sourness, Mambhaza Pulissery is one of the important side dishes served in Kerala Sadhya. Print Recipe Mambazha Pulissery Votes:...
Happy Independence Day everyone! Here’s a special recipe that you can make today and celebrate the 70 years of freedom and opportunities our motherland has given...
Japanese chicken wings are simply the best! They are savory and sweet and very easy to make.
This traditional Roman dish, Saltimbocca alla Romana can be made with chicken or veal. Plus it's relatively easy to prepare at home.