An exotic combination of veggies gives it a nice juicy crunch, while everyday ingredients like cumin seeds and green chillies give the Barley Khichdi a soothing...
Black Forest cake is prepared with the combination of chocolate cake, whipped cream and cherries.If you have a sweet tooth, try to make yummy cake.
This delicious, rum-based cocktail is the brainchild of Jeff Berry. Courtesy of Food & Wine, this summer cocktail will soon be a favorite this mango season!...
Print Recipe Chutney up your Mangoes Grind mangoes, chilies and a few other ingredients to make a delicious chutney that will go great with appams for...
Make kickass cocktails in a jiffy and throw a New Year’s Eve party that no one will ever forget! Print Recipe New Year's Eve Peach Champagne...
Thanksgiving dinner is always a great time to catch up with family and friends, but it can be a bit stressful (especially if you’re hosting). If...
A traditional feast dish, the dahi vada has made it as a popular Indian favorite over the many years of its existence on menus and in...
Print Recipe Baked Spinach Dumplings in Creamy Sauce Spinach and cottage cheese make these dumplings superb in taste. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe!...
Print Recipe Buttery Chicken-y Heaven A Punjabi delicacy known and loved throughout the country. A creamy gravy with well cooked chicken. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You:...
Print Recipe Bavarian Mint Coffee Flavored coffee's are so good on cold winter days but a bit expensive in the grocery stores.Here is a very nice...
When Eleven escapes and finds herself at Benny’s the first thing she grabs on to is fries and later a simple burger that Benny gives her...
Print Recipe NETTLE AND SNAIL SOUP This should be made with spring nettles, as by July they tend to take on a laxative quality. Probably not...
A bijou is a mixed alcoholic drink composed of gin, vermouth, and chartreuse. Bijou means "jewel" in French.
The best part about this recipe from Delish is that it’s not called Whiskey Chai Tea! Also, honestly, there’s nothing better than some boozy tea! Print...
Enjoy a fiery bowl of Maggi noodles with cheese to calm the taste buds! Print Recipe Spicy Cheese Maggi Recipe Perfect Sunday Treat! Votes: 4 Rating:...
Print Recipe Rich and Creamy Paneer Lababdar Protein rich, low fat, soft and silky paneer cubes cooked in a spicy tomato and fresh cream gravy makes...
Pal Payasam is a classic dessert made with rice, milk and sugar. It is prepared on special occasions and festivals. It is rich, creamy and tastes...
This recipe is chettinadu specialty is spicy and traditional rasam with chicken... It is an ideal indian soup, spicy yet not harm one's tummy.
Chicken Salna is one of the most famous and favorite side dish recipe for parotta of all time
This magnificent gin cocktail basically requires only two ingredients so you can be sure that both are winners! Print Recipe Pink Gin: Gin & Bitters Votes:...