Masala paratha recipe – a tasty and easy to make paratha recipe. It is made with spice powders added to it. It is a variation to...
Print Recipe Avial Rice Rice cooked in coconut milk and layered with mouth-watering avial, the south indian vegetable delicacy. This unusual dish is sure to fetch...
This monsoon, protect yourself from the elements with this delicious Black Tea Hot Toddy, courtesy of the Spruce Eats, that’s just perfect for rainy weather! You...
End your meal the Italian way with this Boozy Affogato recipe courtesy of She Knows! This boozy dessert/drink with hazelnut liqueur will definitely be a favorite,...
Print Recipe Don't Chicken Out! A crunchy chicken starter. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients Brinecup ½rice wine vinegarcup ¼honeycup...
Vegetarians, sick and tired of hearing that non-vegetarian food tastes better, and that your only option for tasty, good food is paneer? Well, here’s a recipe...
Print Recipe Mutton Rara Recipe Mutton Rara is a very unique mutton recipe as it combines the mutton pieces along with the mutton keema or Gosht...
The world is caught up in a Harry Potter fervour, the likes of which haven’t been seen for years. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is...
Print Recipe Kerala Style Chicken Curry Recipe Chicken cooked with flavourful spices and coconut milk. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10...
Kali Mirch Pepper is a dish that has all the aroma and taste of freshly ground black peppercorns, but it's mildly hot. You can never go...
Linguine is a kind of noodle pasta, much like a cross of fettuccine and spaghetti – neither cylindrical not flat, but with a more elliptical cross-section....
Game of Thrones is finally back on our screens and we’re celebrating with this Army of the Dead cocktail courtesy of PopSugar. It uses White Walker...
Print Recipe Kothu Parotta Chicken 65, good. Parotta, good. Combine the two and head South in the first bite. Serve it up! Votes: 2 Rating: 3...
Print Recipe Kadambam Sundal Kadambam is a spicy rice dish cooked with vegetables. Votes: 1 Rating: 4 You: Rate this recipe! Course Snacks Cuisine Indian Prep...
Print Recipe Fumet de Poisson au Vin Blanc [White-wine Fish Stock] The following proportions are for the production of a fine, well-flavored fish stock to be...
Banh Mi Sandwiches are bright, vibrant and super healthy! They are a joy to look at and a delight to bite into. Every bite is an...
The festival of Holi not only brings along with it tons of food, guijya, and colors but also gallons of thandai and badam milk. While some...
Print Recipe Eileen's Spicy Gingerbread Men "Spicy gingerbread men. This is the only recipe we have ever used. For best flavor, do NOT use blackstrap molasses."...
Print Recipe Coconut Stew Appam is served with coconut stew, delicately flavoured with coconut and spices. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time...
Print Recipe Pizza for Squash-ers Delicious butternut squash mini pizzas that will melt your heart! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial...