Maintaining the law at Chatpata Nagar, the Laddoo Havaldar is an interesting character on the show, Simple Samosa. Represented truly in the form of our big...
Print Recipe Panzanella Panzenella is a Tuscan bread salad, ideal for summer which does not follow a particular recipe. The two ingredients that do not change...
Bread Besan Toast Recipe is a quick and delicious evening snack that can be made in just ten minutes.This recipe is very flavorful and healthy flat...
Print Recipe CAILLE AUX RAISINS CHANTERELLES, SAUTERNES JUS CAILLE AUX RAISINS, a classic French combination, has been served for centuries, maybe because during the grape harvest,...
If you’ve ever eaten a calzone, then you’re probably just going to skip right through this introduction and on to the recipe. Because, NUTELLA CALZONE. But...
A fruity and nutty cake recipe with the goodness of dried cherries, almonds, raisins and many more dried fruits. You may or may not add rum...
Print Recipe Dry Fruit Barfi A delicious sweet made of thickened milk and dry fruits flavoured with nutmeg and mace. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate...
In Bridget Jones' diary, Bridget tries to cook a grand dinner to impress her friends. She leaves a piece of blue twine in it, turning it...
Print Recipe Braised Baby Artichokes Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 30 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 3...
Print Recipe Pulao From The Foothills Of Kashmir This mild, delicious pulao is perfect for a hearty family lunch! Votes: 1 Rating: 5 You: Rate this...
While one doesn’t traditionally look to Virginia Woolf for inspiration on what to make in the kitchen, there’s a mouth-watering scene in ‘To The Lighthouse’ which...
Chicken Nasi Goreng is a popular Indonesian fried rice with chicken, prawn and basmati rice served with sweet soy sauce.
This delicious and easy pot pie makes for a great casserole dinner. Throw in all the ingredients together and you are good to go. It’s that...
Print Recipe The Desi Popsicle Add a delicious desi twist to your popsicle with this mango lassi posicle recipe. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this...
Print Recipe Carrot and Ginger Juice Ginger adds a delicious zing to the carrot juice. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 5...
When they’re not being badass members of the mafia, the characters in The Godfather can be found in the kitchen, whipping up a storm. After all...
If you’re part of the ever growing Lord of the Rings cult, there’s no way you don’t know about Lembas or Elven bread. The Background Known...
Print Recipe LITTLE CHOCOLATE BUNS There is nothing finer than warm little buttock-like buns. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
The monsoon is here, and there’s nothing better than a nice warm drink, with a bit of an alcohol kick! Try this Cinnamon Plum Cider recipe...
Print Recipe How Manicottis? A cheesy Mexican bake. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 540 minutes Cook Time 75 minutes Servings MetricUS...