Do you not like that little shot of Whiskey in your Irish Coffee? Well if you don’t then make this easy and delicious Irish Coffee and...
Print Recipe chicken piccata This dish is the result of a collaboration of two people who’ve never even met! Beth’s neighbor Hope Kozma and Stone Workman,...
Try this delicious blue cheese burger that has been made super easy with this step by step by recipe instruction.
Monsoon season is here, and what better way to enjoy the rains than with a nice hot cup of chai? Well, maybe an Irish Chai! Try...
Print Recipe Gingerly Molasses Christmas Banana Bread Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2 bananas very...
This cake is on the medium scale of difficulty to make but so worth the effort. It is layered and full of extraordinary flavors
Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte (or the PSL) has a massive cult following and legendary status in the US. Many see it as a sign that Fall...
Tired of the same old boring chapatis? Try for Spicy Garlic Chapati which is a delicious Indian recipe served as a Bread.
It is heartbreaking when Sheldon decides to go to Dallas and we also get to see the special bond between him and his sister. Comparing her...
Print Recipe BLONDIES As the name suggests, blondies are a white chocolate version of brownies. I find them a bit more subtle in flavor and they...
Adult Sheldon might be giving out specifics on a Thai takeout but had scarcely any complaints about the food his mother cooked. With most plates of...
This scotch cocktail has the same base as the Penicillin cocktail, however it adds in a bit off beet juice that totally livens things up! Try...
Print Recipe PIGEON, CHICKPEAS AND SPRING ONION This is not really a recipe, more of a suggestion to bring together three basic, but very suited, textures...
Tomorrow, thousands of people across the world (but especially the Irish) will celebrate St Patrick’s Day, a day which marks the death of St Patrick and...
In honor of the Imp spending the rest of his life paying for his ‘mistakes’ try this Debt Payer Cocktail courtesy of Buzzfeed! It also makes...
Print Recipe Hah, a great Hash A quick hash recipe that's definitely for keeps. It's absolutely failproof. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings...
Pork Jadoh (or simply ‘jadoh’) is a rice and meat based dish widely loved and gobbled in Meghalaya. The preparation is made using short grain rice...
Print Recipe Stir-fried Tofu with Chicken, Egg and Vegetables Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 10 minutes Servings...
Print Recipe BACON, EGG AND BEAN SALAD Excuse the rather tongue-in-cheek reference to the great national dish. This is an ideal way to use up leftover...