Print Recipe Potato Wedges An ideal replacement to deep fried French fries Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time...
Thalapakattu Biryani is a popular rice dish in India. This is famous for its spicy taste, rich aroma and strong flavor.
VIDEO: Mint lime juice is super easy to make. It’s also very healthy, so it’s the perfect post work out drink or just something to beat...
Malabar fish curry is easy and flavoursome curry recipe is quick to prepare. This is a traditional Kerala special hot and spicy curry. Fish curry goes...
Thanks to skinny cocktails, you don’t need to cut down on the booze if you’re trying to cut some calories! Try this Skinny Coconut Mojito, courtesy...
Print Recipe Mini Cheesecakes "Easy and so good for holidays, weddings, or whatever the occasion!" Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15...
Print Recipe Chana gosht - lamb rump with chickpeas with naan bread A wonderful feast of spiced lamb and richly flavoured chickpea sauce. The recipe makes...
One of the best movies revolving around cooking, in our opinion is Julie and Julia. Julia Powell, a New York resident decides to try cooking every...
The paneer sizzlers are easy to prepare and mouthwatering in taste. A perfect starter or cocktail snack item.
Marmalade cake is a great cake to make with ingredients everyone has in the cupboard. A last minute cake or something to add to the kid's...
Nothing says Christmas quite like eggnog, and we’re big fans of this Irish eggnog courtesy of the Food Network! Its got a bit of a twist...
Print Recipe Stew-pid Cupid A spicy Mexican pork stew. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time 70 minutes Servings...
This vodka cocktail is primarily popular amongst the youth in England and swallows up the taste of the liquor for a quick and easy high! Print...
Who said cakes only be sweet? They can be savoury too. In fact, they can be sweet and savoury at the same time! That’s right you...
If you’re looking for a hot (literally) take on the Caipirinha then try this one, courtesy of Supercall! It’s refreshing and absolutely delicious! Print Recipe Shishito...
Well, everyone knows that it’s the 4th of July, America’s Independence Day (and also, my friend’s birthday, HBD Steph, but not everyone knows that). Although it’s...
Print Recipe Banana Dosa An interesting sweet treat, especially for children! these banana dosas taste very nice when served warm with a dollop of butter. Make...
Kung Fu Panda 3 has hit the cinemas and the reviews are fairly positive. While we haven’t watched the third instalment of the enormously series, we...
It's a delicious and simple Vietnamese dish that takes little to no effort.
Print Recipe Sweet, healthy and happy Hello, meet the happy salad. It's easy, crunchy and mark my words when I say, you will love the roasted...