Chocolate mousse is the perfect dessert in that it doesn’t require elaborate ingredients or master chef techniques to make it. Whipping up a mousse requires minimal...
Print Recipe Round n' Round A baked Mexican starter laden with cheese and chicken. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes...
Print Recipe Chettinad Masala Paniyaram Recipe Masala Paniyaram Recipe with step by step.Masala Paniyaram are spiced dumplings made from left over idli batter. paniyarams can be...
Goan Nevri, also popularly known as Neveri, is a widely gobbled Goan dish that eventually caught on with the Maharashtrian palate as well. Usually whipped up...
Print Recipe Cheesy Pepper Dip When you need a dip in a jiffy, look no further! A simple mix-and-serve job, the Cheesy Pepper Dip is a...
Print Recipe apple dumplings Quick and delicious! This is like having your own individual apple pie. My nephew Bret loves these served warm for breakfast. Votes:...
Squid Thoran fry a tasty dish for sea food lovers!
Print Recipe betty’s apple ambrosia In my family, ambrosia is usually made with oranges, coconut, and sugar. My friend Betty Maxwell used to make this for...
Chicken Flautas are baked Mexican tortilla rolls that are usually stuffed with shredded chicken breasts mixed with classic Mexican flavors like picante sauce and cumin powder....
Enjoy the flavors of Indo-Chinese food with this Szechuan chicken recipe. Serve it as an appetizer or main dish.
Alu Chi Patal Bhaji Recipe Print Recipe Colocasia Leaves Gravy Recipe colocasia leaves gravy recipe with step by step – Tangy and sweet bhaji made with...
Print Recipe cold-oven pound cake My dad’s aunt Marie had eight children to rear during the Great Depression. Starting a cake in a cold oven was...
According to The Spruce, from whence this recipe hails, the Corpse Reviver is that of a drink “To be taken before 11 a.m., or whenever steam...
Print Recipe Corn Casserole It looks so pretty on a Christmas buffet and tastes great too. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Cook Time...
Print Recipe Christmas Cocoa Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 3 minutes Cook Time 12 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 1 cup...
Chicken ghee roast is a popular Mangalorean dish that roasts chicken and spices in ghee or clarified butter, giving it an indulgent, spicy flavour like no...
Can’t a mom make his first-born son a pre-breakfast milkshake? Only if she’s up to something. Fuller House seems to be a successful spin-off of Full...
Print Recipe A Kiss-y Drink. A delicious recipe for a gin-based drink Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 3 ounces...
Print Recipe Masala Me Up! A creamy and delicious okra curry that will tingle your taste buds! Votes: 4 Rating: 3.25 You: Rate this recipe! Course...
Print Recipe Chocoholic Alert! A decadent and chocolaty Mexican pound cake. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Passive Time 195 minutes Servings MetricUS Imperial...