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How an Elimination Diet Can Help Your Health


If you find yourself feeling gassy, bloated, or experiencing an allergic reaction, it could be related to something you’re eating. You might not know what the culprit is and that’s where an elimination diet comes in. 

This kind of diet helps you identify food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances that you may be experiencing due to your diet. This is done by eliminating foods that are known to cause problems for many folks. 

Most dietitians and even allergists have been using elimination diets for quite some time to help patients rule out any food that might not be tolerated well. The key is to eliminate the food and then bring it back in. Up next we’re going to tell you more about it. 

How an Elimination Diet Can Help Your Health

What Is an Elimination Diet?

In a nutshell, this method includes removing certain foods from your diet, which you suspect your body cannot tolerate. You can later reintroduce these foods after you have tested for any symptoms that indicate a reaction. 

This process typically takes about 5 to 6 weeks to help anyone with a food allergy; a sensitive gut identifies which foods bring about these symptoms. Symptoms to look out for include gas, nausea, constipation, bloating, and diarrhea.

After you have identified the kind of food that is not tolerated well, you can then eliminate it from your diet. There are many elimination types available. However, it would be best if you talked to a medical professional before you start. 

If you suspect you have an allergy, and you are showing symptoms like hives, swelling, difficulty breathing and rashes, then talk to your doctor first.

Why Should You Do an Elimination Diet?

Of course, there is no such thing as a perfect diet, but if you are not sure which foods affect you and which ones don’t, the best way you can tell is by doing an elimination diet. 

This diet is hard work as it will be removing perhaps some of your favorite foods. Just like most things, nothing comes easy in life. 

The more work you invest in, the higher the rewards. This diet also requires preparation; you will need to have the foods you will be working with handy andclean out your kitchen to avoid any cravings. 

The health benefits are amazing, and your body will thank you for having taken this step.

Benefits of an Elimination Diet

Other than helping you identify which kind of foods bring you discomfort, the elimination diet has other health benefits like the following as well.

Reduces Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Also known as IBS, this is one of the common disorders that affects between 10 to 15% of people worldwide and this diet is proven to improve symptoms such as gas, stomach cramps, and bloating.

Reduces Symptoms of ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that affects about 3 to 5% of all children and adults. Studies have shown that the elimination diet helps control the disorder. However, children should not be on this diet unless it is recommended by a medical professional. 

This is because these diets restrict some essential nutrients that might be required for your children’s growth.

Improves Skin Conditions Like Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes skin to become inflamed. Many things cause this condition, however, some people have linked it to eating certain kinds of food. 

Others claim that eating these foods can worsen the symptoms so using the diet can help you figure out what the problem foods are. That way, you can adjust your food choices accordingly. 

How an Elimination Diet Can Help Your Health

Reduces Chronic Migraines

About 2 to 3 million people in the USA suffer from chronic migraines. The causes are still not clear, but studies indicate that inflammation can easily trigger it. 

Using this elimination diet removes any foods that cause inflammation which may assist those suffering from chronic migraines. 

The Bottom Line

Going for an elimination diet means you are removing any foods that your body cannot tolerate. You then reintroduce them one by one until you figure out the food that is causing your issues. It is best that you talk to your doctor before starting the diet so you can get some help on which foods might be troublesome for you.