Coke Zero Is Getting The Boot And Twitter Is Very Emotional
If you’re a Coca-Cola fan you’ll know we’re pretty hardcore about our drink choices. We were all relieved when Coke Zero came out – a low-calorie option that didn’t taste like Diet Coke (it’s possible I am biased). However, Coca-Cola recently announced that they were nixing the drink as we know it and Twitter had some pretty strong reactions.
The news started trending on Twitter within hours of its announcement. CEO James Quincey called it a “reinvention” of the drink. Coca-Cola plans to stop selling the drink this August, replacing it with – wait for it – Coke Zero Sugar. The new soda has zero calories and – spoiler alert – zero sugar. Apparently, it will taste close to the original flavour – although, how they plan to do that without sugar would be interesting.
Some of the reactions on Twitter were pretty epic.
Keep Coke Zero. Add new flavors, fine. But keep Coke Zero. Nothing else matters today.
— STU BURGUIERE (@WorldOfStu) 26 July 2017
Well, at least I’ve still got my delicious Coke Zero. **looks at Twitter**
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) 26 July 2017
Also, what will happen to Cherry Coke Zero? Because if they change that recipe, WHAT IS THE YOUNG POPE SUPPOSED TO DRINK?
— Jen Chaney (@chaneyj) 26 July 2017
In the words of the immortal Tyra Banks “We were rooting for you!” *Raids every store still stocking Coke Zero*