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The Illustrated guide to Weird Al’s Constipated


A Complicated Song

Uh huh, extra cheese.
Uh huh, save a piece for me.

Weird AL constipated

Pizza party at your house,
I went just to check it out.

 wierd al constipated
19 extra larges,

Weird Al constipated
What a shame, no one came.
Just us, eating all alone,

wierd al lonely party
You said, “take the pizza home.
No sense letting all this go to waste,”
So then I faced

weird al fat guy

Pizza all day, and everyday, this cheese ’round the clock,
Is getting me blocked, And I sure don’t care for irregularity.

wierd al pizza all day

Tell me,
Why’d you have to go and make me so constipated
‘Cause right now I’d do anything to just get my bowels evacuated,

 wierd al constipatd guide

In the bathroom.
I sit and I wait and I strain and I sweat and I clench and I feel the pain

wierd al really constipated
Oh, should I take a laxative or have my colon irrigated.

 wierd al two roads
No, no, no.

weird al no no no