An extremely popular Bengali curry, Prawn Malai Curry is a celebratory recipe and is usually referred to as 'Chingri Macher Malaikari' by most of the Bengalis.
Cucumber sandwiches are a quintessentially British dish. Much of the credit for that, we believe, goes to Oscar Wilde who mentioned cucumber sandwiches multiple times in...
Print Recipe As simple as pie, of course Easy apple pie oatmeal. Your mornings will refuse to start with anything else once you put this on...
Tasty idli cake is a Light & tasty cake made from semolina with veggies in the centre and garnished with rai and oil.
Make delicious, melt-in-the-mouth cookies with regular pantry ingredients and Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate. These, easy-to-make cookies are get ready in less than an hour and will...
Oriental cuisine is loved for its delectable selection of sauces, spices and methods of cooking. Put the culinary expertise of China and India together and bam!...
A delicious fried rice with crab ideal for any occasion – lunch, dinner, party or sunday brunch.
Print Recipe Oh my, so Juicy I can't think of a more apt description than- "I like juicy chicken and I cannot lie". (but you know...
This crispy cornflake chicken is a delicious and super easy alternative to fried chicken. It is also a fun recipe to make with your kids!
Print Recipe So Cheesy it might just be Illegal Nothing like making Cheese Straws from scratch. None of that puff pastry hassle- just the raw cheesiness....
Handva, or Handvo as it is more lovingly called, is one of the many Gujarati snacks that can get you hooked on to traditional Gujarati farsan....
The potatoes, usually small ones, are first deep-fried, then cooked slowly at low flame in a gravy with spices, Dum Aloo is a part of the traditional Kashmiri...
This Christmassy version of a pina colada is from The Spruce, and it’s sure to be a favourite this festive season! Print Recipe Holiday Spice Votes:...
Summertime and the living is easy! If you’re looking for a vodka-based cocktail that doesn’t require you to have a mixology degree then Smirnoff has got...
Print Recipe Potato Noodles Croquettes potato noodle croquettes is an indian-chinese recipe which is simple and fast to cook. This recipe is an best snack for...
Print Recipe Pumpkin Sabzi Recipe Kaddu Ki Sabzi Recip is a Quick, spicy and sweet kaddu sabzi or pumpkin sabzi that can be made for special...
Print Recipe LAVENDER CRÈME CARAMEL A properly made crème caramel, rich with vanilla seeds and dripping with caramel, is an all-time classic. I’ve mainly stuck with...
Print Recipe Basilicious! This tasy Thai dish of rice noodles is buzzing with flavours! Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients...
Print Recipe ASPARAGUS WITH LEMON AND TARRAGON HOLLANDAISE We’re all becoming more health conscious, and making hollandaise with olive oil instead of butter results in an...
One quick and easy way to make a side dish for a favorite grilled herb potato.