Print Recipe Pizza Winner Yummy-licious pizza with a crisp and light crust. If you're tired of pizza but not really tired of pizza (if you know...
We’ve been sharing copycat recipes for Subway’s delicious sauces over the last few weeks; today, we turn our attention to its Italian marinara sauce. The marinara...
Chef Deepak Yadav, Pastry Chef, Courtyard by Marriott Gurugram Downtown shares with us his special recipe for chocolate Easter Eggs. Because what’s Easter without some gorgeous...
Nothing beats the fiery and delicious aloo chaat straight from the streets of Delhi. Follow this easy recipe in Hindi and make this mouthwatering aloo chaat...
What scene do you remember best from the movie ‘The Help‘? We’ll bet that scene with Minny’s chocolate pie is right at the top of your...
This delicious cocktail combines bitters and ice wine (hence the name). If you’re a fan of the two then there’s no reason why you should only...
If you’re looking for the perfect fruity cocktail that packs a punch then look no further! Martha Stewart is undoubtedly the queen of everything! Who can...
It’s that time of the year, when Guardian of the Galaxy fans fight for the right (to party? jk.) to be one of the first to...
The dish sounds like the verse of a Caribbean song drifted over to the Mexican landmass, and trust us, it is as exotic as it sounds!...
Karuvadu Kulambu recipe is a very famous south Indian dry fish curry,which is served with rice,idly,dosai.
Print Recipe Apricot Layered Milkshake Apricot milkshake presented in a new avatar. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time...
Kadai chicken is a popular chicken curry recipe in which boneless chicken pieces are served in thick gravy along with big chunky pieces of onion, capsicum...
Louis Litt swears by a prunie and just can’t do without it. We felt after trying it that even if you don’t have Grandma Gertie’s spastic colon...
The Monte Cristo sandwich is one of our personal favourites because it contains what we think are the best ingredients for a sandwich, lots of meat...
Print Recipe Mexican Nachos with a Twist Celebrate the Irish festival with your favourite Mexican snack. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS...
If there is one thing that Southeast Asian countries do better than any other region is noodles. These countries do not only completely change the face...
Vegetable Manchurian is a Chinese recipe and a must have dish for any party or get together. This delicious gravy is made using cauliflower, cabbage, carrots...
Print Recipe VEAL TAIL AND PEA SOUP This is a perfect case of why you must befriend your butchers and give them a bit of advance...
If you’re looking for an elegant champagne cocktail to whip up when your gang is over then try the Antoinette cocktail! Courtesy of Saveur, this vodka...
Print Recipe Vanilla Cookie Recipe Early February saw the 100th anniversary of the first Girls Scout Cookie sale, a sale which would go on...