Print Recipe Casserolin' in the Deep Layers of tender zucchini and cheese, baked to perfection. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15...
Kadai Mushroom is a very popular, delicious, flavorful Indian style dish. If you are wondering how to make this delicious dish and your taste buds have...
Print Recipe Charleston, SC She-Crab Soup Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Servings MetricUS Imperial Ingredients 2 Tbsp./30 gm - Butter1 Tbsp./7 gm -...
A simple and a different snack variety with pasta. Can be made a day or two ahead. A great alternative for the regular potato chips. Ideal...
Print Recipe chocolate cake with divinity icing I loved my grandaddy Paulk, my mom’s dad. He always made us feel like we were the most special...
Print Recipe Coffee Dose An energizing coffee milkshake with a hint of spices. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook...
Rice has its way with different cultures and cuisines. The same grain can be had as biryani, risotto, paella and this delicious tendli bhaat that we...
Print Recipe Pongal with a Twist Rava Pongal is a simple South Indian Breakfast recipe similar to Ven pongal, the only difference is rava is used...
If you are even remotely acquainted to the Indian bread basket, the puri will not need an introduction. But for the uninitiated, a puri is a...
Print Recipe Sliced Beef in Ginger Soy Gravy Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 35 minutes Cook Time 20 minutes Servings MetricUS...
Tomato bath recipe is a very easy to make tasty one pot meal that you can serve for lunch or pack in tiffin.
Print Recipe RASPBERRY AND YUZU VERRINE; SWIRLED SORBET OUR OWN glorified sundae at Restaurant Daniel is a dessert in a “verrine,” a thin glass jar or...
Print Recipe Lemon-Filled Coconut Cupcakes Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 40 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Passive Time 60 minutes Servings...
It would be an understatement to say that there aren’t many banana cocktails out there. However, Smirnoff has got your back. Try out this Big Banana...
Print Recipe Kanji Vada The Kanji Vada Recipe is a traditional recipe from Rajasthan and a delicious dish that is made from lentils soaked in a...
Print Recipe Baked Vegetables in Spinach Sauce Baked Vegetables in Spinach Sauce is a sumptuous preparation of assorted vegetables in a creamy sauce that is reinforced...
Get the smoky, scrumptious magic of sub sauces at the comfort of your home. Surprisingly they’re not all that difficult to make. Print Recipe Copycat Subway...
Print Recipe Coriander Curd Rice A cold bowl of this rice works wonders on hot, humid afternoons. Steamed rice is mashed and mixed with curd into...
Print Recipe Sautéed Snow Peas and Bean Sprouts Sautéed snow peas and bean sprouts is made by tossing snow peas and bean sprouts with stir-fried garlic...
Chicken noodles are easy to make. Whether it is the Maggi variety or your homemade ones, it is the perfect food to cook if you are...