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Samsung Might Launch The First Smartphone That Could Tell How Drunk You Are!


All of us have smartphones that can do a number of tasks. Now, thanks to Samsung, your smartphone will also be able to may be able to check a  user’s alcohol content in their blood while they’re having a chat on the phone!  This will be done by using a new stylus that has reportedly just been patented.

Now, this S Pen stylus, an accessory that comes with Samsung’s Note series smartphones, can be used as a microphone for phone conversations while it is testing alcohol levels. It basically acts as a breathalyzer.

According to a report published by SamMobile, the S Pen will functional directly from the device itself. The pen will also incorporate a microphone, which will allow users to receive calls from other users. The digital pen will also come along with a breath-analyzer that will measure the alcohol content in the user’s breath.

Till now, there have been no solid reports to confirm that this breathlyzer pen will debut with the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 as patents are not usually implemented before extensive testing,