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5 Recipes To Celebrate Star Wars Day The Right Way


May the 4th be with you because today is Star Wars Day and to celebrate one of the greatest science fiction series to happen to us, here are 5 themed recipes. Start off easy and throw your fellow star wars loving friends a surprise party!

Star Wars Bantha Milk Recipe

Start off with an easy-peasy recipe of Bantha Milk and you’ll find yourself feeling in a festive mood already.

Star Wars Rey’s Portion Bread Recipe

Also an easy recipe plus healthy too considering the addition of matcha to make it green, this will give you a head start with the party!

Star Wars Bantha Steak Soup Recipe

If you’ve come this far, might as well make a main too, right?

Star Wars Punky Muffin Sandwich Recipe

Get a muffin and an egg together and it can create a delicious sandwich!

Star Wars Zucca Fruit Pastry Recipe

Give your Star Wars themed party a lovely dessert with this awesome fruit pastry. This unlike the movie is without the meat!

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