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Fast Food

8 pictures of Fries that will leave you Hungry Forever


[dropcap]O[/dropcap]kay Fry lovers, brace yourself. I found a reason to show, a side of me you didn’t know, a reason for all that you’ll do, and the reason is true-Fries, served hot, served cold, just served.

1. Give your all to me. All your curves and all your edges.


2. Make it criminal- bring on the melted cheese.

 Cheese fries

3. Ketchup- I’d like some fries on the side of my fries, please.

 Ketchup fries

4. Find this man. He’s met my soul mate.

 Mayo Fries

5. Slop on some barbecue sauce and you’ve got me cornered

Barbecue fries

6. Must. Have. Mustard.


7. Chilli fries- I’ve got the hots for you

Chilli Fries

8. Fry sauce- Am I the only one hearing heavenly music?

Fry sauce

Go on. Repeat after me: I solemnly swear that I am a fry-tard