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Fat Loss Friendly Foods!


Maybe you already knew that particular foods contain high thermogenic effect, which essentially means they help to boost your metabolism. However, the majority of the population has no idea exactly what foods burn calories as you chew, or contain particular nutrients and compounds that fuel your body’s internal metabolic furnace and help you literally melt the calories you consume far more quickly. Here are 8 foods that nutritionists credit with helping you burn fat!


Berries are very rich in antioxidants, and getting more antioxidants from natural sources is a great way to help boost your metabolism.


Caffeine is a stimulant that naturally speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn more calories than normal. 


Grapefruit helps your body dissolve fat and cholesterol, which fighting hardening of the arteries (a process known as “arteriosclerosis”).


Lentils are high in protein. Protein leaves you feeling fuller for a longer period of time, and studies have shown that people eating high-protein diets consume far less calories during an average day than people on lower-protein diets.


Green tea contains a substance known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been scientifically proven to provide your metabolism with a temporary boost


Chilli peppers sure do pack quite a bunch! They have a compound called “capsaicin” that gives them their zip and heats up the body, firing up your metabolism and helping you burn off excess calories


Oats are very high in fiber, and when your body needs to break down fiber-rich whole foods, it burns up to twice as many calories during the digestion process. Dietary fiber also helps regulate your appetite, giving you a lasting feeling of satiation and helping ward off hunger throughout the day. This makes you less likely to reach for sugary or fatty snacks, especially in the hours between breakfast and lunch.


An apple is a safe way to elevate your blood glucose levels, providing you with a nutrient-rich, low-calorie source of satisfying energy you burn more calories than normal. 


Grapefruit helps your body dissolve fat and cholesterol, which fighting hardening of the arteries (a process known as “arteriosclerosis”).


Lentils are high in protein… Protein leaves you feeling fuller for a longer period of time, and studies have shown that people eating high-protein diets consume far less calories during an average day than people on lower-protein diets.

Just a small town girl living the big city dream! Travel, Food, Fashion and Photography is what she lives for.