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Here’s The Ultimate Wine And Candy Pairing Guide For Halloween!


Remember when we told you about Jimmy Kimmel encouraging parents to prank their kids and tell them they ate their Halloween candy? While the results were adorable, the parents didn’t actually (we hope) end up pilfering any of their kids’ Halloween candy. However, most adults like them some candy as much as kids. And it’s very likely that every Halloween night, adults find themselves snacking on candy as they wait for trick or treaters. Are you guilty?

There’s no shame there; Willy Wonka proved that candy need not have an age limit. And one of the (very few) perks of being an adult is that you can pair the candy with a little bit of liquid pleasure. Namely booze. You could chug down a Budweiser with your candy selection. Or, you could choose to go a little classier and drink some wine with those sweet bars of goodness.

Thanks to popular wine app Vivino, you can find out the perfect wine pairing for candy you have on hand. “Halloween is so focused on kids, but there are parents out there. And I’m sure that some of them wouldn’t mind having a glass of wine,” Vivino’s VP of marketing Stephen Favrot told Adweek. The folks at Vivino went on an intensive candy tasting session and put together a comprehensive chart listing 14 types of popular candy (yup, Snickers, Twix and Hershey’s are on the list) paired with the kind of wines they would best go with. Rest assured, your candy will taste even better (read: more sophisticated) once you unravel this chart. Enjoy!