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Move Over Cold Brews, Here’s Nitro Tea: The New Bubbly Brew


There’s a hot new trend brewing in the caffeinated world, and it starts with nitrogen. Nitro Cold Brew coffee has been popularized by Starbucks, but we’re obsessing over the idea of nitro tea. This is pure brilliance. It’s a sweet, cold, creamy tea that foams up due to the infusion of nitrogen. It tastes amazing and still very low calorie.

The nitrogen adds a beautiful cascade of tiny bubbles to your brew and creates a creamy, silky texture that mimics milk. In addition, the nitrogen takes away some of the bitterness so no need for extra sugar, a plus point for all the calorie-counting foodies out there!

It’s not mainstream yet, but we’ve heard rumors that Teavana (also owned by Starbucks) is testing out a nitro tea. Wonder when Starbucks India will get its own pump of NitroTea.