One of the most exciting things about this cocktail (apart from the wordplay, duh) is that almost every ingredients is green! Avocados, matcha powder and mezcal...
Print Recipe Kezhvaragu Kali Keppai Kali/Ragi Kali is a nutritious meal and very popular in Tamilnadu. Ragi mudde is made without using rice traditional healthy recipe....
Traditionally slathered over pulled pork, this sauce is good on anything. Use this sauce on barbecued pheasant legs, or on quick-grilled quail.
Kai Murukku is a classic South Indian snack recipe made primarily with rice and urad dal flour and painstakingly shaped by hand.
Print Recipe Baked Vegetables in Low Calorie White Sauce High in sodium, cheese is an absolute no-no for those with high blood pressure. An innovative cottage...
Print Recipe Those Boys, Dough! A baked cheesy snack stuffed with beef/turkey. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes Cook Time...
Ennai Kathirikkai is a spicy and flavorful recipe using eggplant, it is a popular curry in South India. This is my favorite curry recipe because I...
Who doesn’t love ice cream on a nice warm day? Beat the heat this summer with this margarita float cocktail by Julie Blanner that only uses...
Sandwiches are awesome. And you know what’s better than sandwiches? Ice cream. And what’s even better than the two? The two of them put together in...
This cocktail, courtesy of Delish, is a mash-up of your two favorite summer cocktails! Pina Colada Mimosas are going to be your new go to drink...
Indian cuisine is rich in every course, – from starters to desserts. Desi food too has it’s own rendition of the ice cream and we like to...
This cocktail is a bit of a take on a French 75 and it’s absolutely perfect for summer! Gin shines in this delightful cocktail while the...
Chettinad fish fry recipe is a delicious and spicy preparation of fish made in the Chettinad region of South India. Chettinad cuisine is known for spicy...
Break your Lent on Easter Sunday by making this delicious sandwich, exclusively from Holachef. Print Recipe Pulled Chicken Subway Sandwich Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You:...
Winter months are mostly about snuggling up with a warm cup of hot chocolate, some delicious masala chai, an aromatic cup of coffee, or maybe even...
Amritsari fish originates from the streets of Amritsar – no surprises there! It’s a popular street food in Punjab and tastes great during the winter or...
Print Recipe Wrap Around Delicious hot dogs wrapped in bacon and topped with beans. Votes: 0 Rating: 0 You: Rate this recipe! Prep Time 15 minutes...
This is a lot like a lasagna, only Mexican-style! Serve like a pie and garnish with sour cream, salsa, lettuce and tomato. Make sure you like...
Egg Macaroni is an easy to make breakfast or snack recipe. Addition of eggs makes it super tasted that you must like to eat.