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This Old Halloween Commercial For Skittles Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine


So Halloween is almost around the corner and we’re almost done stocking up on the candy, just like everyone else. With the advance of the spooky night, everyone’s planning their trick and treating and kids are anxiously waiting to see just how much candy they will be able to snag off the walk. And yes, costumes are everywhere. Even the word “costumes”. While some are making it, there are others buying it off stores and with all the buzz about costumes, we’re curious to see just how haunted the city would look. 


Stores, brands and companies everywhere are going all Halloween themed with restaurants serving creepy looking (but good tasting!) food, and stores having spooky decor set up. Brands are also advertising what’s new for the occasion, and one brand in particular has really got us feeling the creeps. In true Halloween style, Skittles made an old Halloween commercial that we stumbled upon while looking at all things Halloween on the interwebs. All is well after a night of trick and treating, where two boys go over their stash of candy. But what you see after that will really, really send some shivers down your spine, especially if you’re an easy one to spook!