10 Healthy Pinterest Boards that will make your New Year Resolution to stay fit, easier.
Pinterest is the new tech hottie in town. We are scrambling to ‘Pin it’ on our boards. We like to pin everything from must-haves for our wardrobes to recipes we cannot wait to try. And Pinterest is overflowing with recipes both healthy (Chicken Caesar’s salad ) and sinfully delicious (guacamole grilled cheese). But hey we have a New Year resolution to stick to, don’t we?
Every recipe that you can possibly imagine with tips and tricks and little notes to make our jobs as amateur cooks (I speak for myself) so much easier- not to mention with mouth-watering pictures- are sitting there waiting for you on Pinterest
So here are the 10 Healthiest Pinterest Boards,in no particular order, that will make our jobs to stay fit, just a little easier. Don’t worry we know how hard that is.
1.Vegetables/Vegetarian, Damn Delicious

If you’re tired of boiled vegetables for dinner and cannot bear to look at another steamed piece of broccoli again, this one is for you. The ideas are simple and will have you forget your childhood battle with vegetables and maybe even crave for some smoky creamed kale.
2. Salads That Aren’t Sad, BuzzFeed Food
We have a lot to be thankful to BuzzFeed about. From making us fall off our chairs laughing to even giving us this spectacular board that doesn’t have us crying, just thinking about lettuce, carrot and a tiny cucumber in a small sad little bowl.
3. Best Smoothies, Vega Team
We love smoothies. And why wouldn’t we? They require very little effort and are packed with all the nutrients for a healthy diet. On the board they do ask to use Vega products but here’s a little secret – they work just as well with any other protein powder.
4. Seasons Eatings, Greatist
Who said that you need to let go of your sweet tooth if you are on a diet? Just because you are on a diet doesn’t mean you stop fighting for that last cookie on the table. We believe the trick to losing weight is to treat yourself once in a while. And this board provides you alternate healthier recipes for your candy craving. What’s better? You won’t even taste the difference.
5. Delicious, Jane Wang
What’s the point of eating if it isn’t for your palette? And this board guarantees to put the letter D in ‘Deliciousness’. We warn you that all the recipes might not be the healthiest. But hey, we deserve a pat on the back once in a while.
6. Meal Ideas, A Beautiful Mess
The blog is called ‘A Beautiful Mess’ but boy it’s far, far from it. It is however stupendously beautiful. What we love about this board is that it’s quite simple and easy but amazingly yummy. It is full of healthy and nutritious recipes sans a few. Stay away from them (Only if you want to)
7. Vegetarian Sandwiches, Oh My Veggies
If you are constantly looking for an excuse to have a grilled cheese sandwich then this board is for you. You get to choose between a bunch of healthy sandwiches- which you didn’t know were possible.
8. Chicken Dinners, Williams Sonoma
The first thing someone will tell you if you tell them your exercising is that you need to have protein. And the second thing they will tell you is to have chicken. Not the spiced, oily, fried chicken. But chicken breasts. But how many times can you have chicken breasts? More than once we have looked at chicken with a sad bored expression. (Which we never thought we would do, it’s chicken right?) But this board is our knight in shining armor.
9. Healthy Food, Jessica Wall
A no-nonsense board which gets your healthy taste buds tingly. It’s also quite extensive, with over 2,000 recipes. Let us know when you try all of them will you?
10. Vegan Food Galore, VegNews Magazine
It is quite hard to find extremely tasty vegan recipes that both fill your stomach and satisfy your taste buds. We know quite a few vegans in our world of meat, cheese and butter who constantly face this problem. But if you are looking for the most delicious vegan recipes you can think of, then head to this board ASAP.