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Nestle Is Developing Coffee That Can Keep You Buzzing All Day Long!


Have you ever experienced a coffee crash? You know what we’re talking about; when you’re feeling good and buzzing for a few hours after an espresso until suddenly – you’re not. Suddenly you’re even more exhausted than you were before the coffee and your head is pounding and you’re horribly lethargic.


Luckily for us, coffee giant Nestle saw and understood our woes and spent some time and dough doing something about it. The result? Researchers at Lausanne that were enlisted by Nestle suggested cubosomes; tiny capsules made from lipids and water that can carry caffeine, and release it in small amounts at a time. So, theoretically when you drink your coffee, you’ll drink the cubsomes which will slowly break down in your body through the day and release caffeine in a gradual manner.


Nestle is now considering further research into cubosomes and how they can be integrated into Nestle’s coffee products. The worlds’ eyes are on you, Nestle!

What do you think? Does a ‘gradual’ coffee seem like the savior you’ve been looking for, or would you rather your coffee remain as ‘pure’ as possible? We’re on the fence; let us know what you think!