Hindi Recipes
Mango Shrikhand Recipe (Hindi)
It’s the season to indulge in the golden pulp King of Fruits, a.k.a. mango, and it is also the season to load up on all that will cool our insides. One such food that gives us the best of both these worlds is mango shrikhand. Spiked with the heavenly flavor of the summer fruit, the whipped yogurt preparation pleases the palate and lets us power through hot days. An absolute summer essential that is best served chilled, here’s how you can make some traditional mango shrikhand at home.
Prep Time | 4.25 hours |
Servings |
MetricUS Imperial
- दही को मलमल में डाल कर ३-४ घण्टे टांग दें ताकि वह गाढ़ा हो जाए।
- कटे हुए आम को ब्लेन्डर में पीस लें। अब ब्लेन्डर में दही, हरी इलाईची, केसर, औरे चीनी डाल कर पीसें।
- ठण्डा करके परोसें।