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Hindi Recipes

Matar Usal Recipe (Hindi)


Usal is a classic Marathi dish that consists of a main ingredient – like sprouts, moth beans, etc – stir fried with mild spices, curry leaves and chopped veggies of choice with a slight curry. The usal makes for a great snack as it is light and can be prepared without much hassle.

The green peas usal or matar usal, as the name suggest, is a stir fried green pea dish made with soaked peas. Again, it is an excellent snack, but owing to its green pea (a.k.a. vegetable) factor, it can also be had as a side with some dal and roti or even lightly buttered pav. Follow this recipe to whip up a delicious matar usal. The following recipe is for a very lightly gravy-ed usal. You can adjust the consistency as per your taste by adding more water.

Image: Feastie

Feature Image: Amruta Bhalerao

Print Recipe
Stir fried green peas with a light gravy.
  1. गरम तेल में राई का तड़का बना लें।
  2. इसमें हल्दी व हींग डालकर मिला लें।
  3. अब मटर डाल कर ६-७ मिनट के लिए धीमी आँच पर ढक कर पकाँए। अगर मटर ज़्यादा सूखने लगे तो हल्का पानी छिड़क दें।
  4. पिसे मसाले की सारी सामग्री ३ चमच पानी के साथ पीस लें। इसे ६-७ मिनट पके मटर में अच्छी तरह मिला लें।
  5. नमक, चीनी/ गुड़ व १ कप पानी डालें और हल्की आँच
  6. पर पकाँए।
  7. जब मटर नरम हो जाँए तो करी को पसंद अनुसार गाढ़ा या पतला करें और गोदा मसाला व नीम्बू का रस डालकर मिला लें।
  8. कटे धनिया पत्ती और नारियल से सजाकर रोटी या पाव के साथ परोसें।

Binge eater by day and binge watcher by night, Ankita is fluent in food, film, and Internet. When she’s not obsessing over the hottest trends, tacos, and the perfect author’s bio, you can find her under a pile of Jeffery Archer’s novels or looking for the nearest wine shop.