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Taco Bell To Launch Its Crispy Chicken Taco Shells Across America


After grabbing the headlines with its Walking Nachos last week, Taco Bell is back in the news after announcing that it is taking its Naked Crispy Chicken Taco Shells across the country.  

Tests and Teasers

The fried chicken shell is exactly what it sounds like – fried chicken is folded over and then stuffed with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and avocado ranch sauce to create a ‘taco’.


Taco Bell began testing the fried chicken taco shells in California last year. While health concerns were raised about the havoc the fried chicken tacos could wreck on America’s hearts and health, the taste tests were positive.

“It was a little salty initially since you bite into the fried chicken first but balances out once you hit the filling,” Brand Eating commented. “The chicken shell had a substantial crunch as well as a solid kick of spicy heat; much more so than any other current Taco Bell meat option.”

Taco Shells To Go Nationwide


Following its success, the Crispy Chicken Shell will hit outlets across the country next year. The shell will cost just over $2.50.