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Drinking Etiquette You Should Follow While Drinking With Your Boss 


When your boss invites you out for drinks, you know you’re doing something right. After, all there has to be a reason that he or she would want to see you post work hours, right? Considering that, you probably don’t want to commit a social blooper while out and irrevocably change his or her opinion of you. Don’t worry, follow these tips and you’ll be golden!

1) Let Your Boss Choose The Bar


We all have drinking holes that we feel passionately about. But, for this particular session it would be wise to go along with where your boss suggests. It’s only polite.

2) Eat Before You Get There

If your boss invites you to have a drink, it would be rude to say no. However, make sure you nibble on something on the way to the bar; drinking on an empty stomach can have some seriously negative and possibly embarrassing effects.

3) Offer To Pay


Offer to buy the first round of drinks. It’s likely that your boss will refuse, but at least the record will say that you offered.

4) Drink Intelligently


No one knows your drinking behaviour better than you. Well, maybe your closest friends, but they won’t be around in this situation. So, monitor the amount you’re drinking and know when to stop. Also, watch out for what you’re ordering; if vodka turns you extra emotional then you’ll be better off ordering a rum and Coke.

5) No Gossip!


After a few drinks, steer clear of the urge to begin talking (or complaining) about your colleagues. Remember that it’s your boss talking to; you may end up getting someone into trouble or affecting your boss’ judgement of your character. If you have complaints about a colleague, it’s better to do it during office hours, while you’re sober.

On the other hand, don’t pour your heart out about your latest relationship. Once again, that character judgement thing may come into the picture.

6) Know When to Leave


If someone else is footing the bill, it’s tempting to order just one more drink. And then another. Resist the temptation and bow out after a couple of drinks. You’ll turn up to work on time, and be seen as someone who can hold their alcohol.

Indeed, drinking sessions with a boss are way trickier than a simple lunch, because of the alcohol involved. Watch what you drink and keep an eye on your behaviour, and you’ll do just fine!