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Miley Cyrus Went Vegan For Pablow, Her Intelligent Pet Blowfish


The name ‘Miley Cyrus’ will likely ring a bell in your head for a variety of infamous reasons that we’d rather not get into here. But, here’s one thing you may not have known about Cyrus; she’s a staunch vegan.

Cyrus’s love for vegetables, especially avocadoes was no secret, especially as her Instagram feed is filled with photographs of her munching on apples, bananas and avocadoes.

She even solidified her love for the avocado by getting a tattoo of the fruit on her upper arm.

However in a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon she revealed the real reasons behind going vegan; her pet blowfish, Pablow. “The reason I kind of started this was because I had a fish that was highly intelligent…I would go through the door and this blowfish would get excited and I would give him his shrimps and all that stuff, and he really knew who I was…” she said. Then, she added “one day, I went to a sushi restaurant with a few of my friends and they were serving blowfish, and I thought, ‘You know, this is an intelligent animal.” Here’s a tribute to Pablow that Cyrus sings. 

Hence, she turned vegan, and put her pet pig on a vegan diet too. Like her, her pet pig, Pig seems to share a love for fruits; she describes one incident when he nipped at her heels until she gave him the peach she was holding. “As long as you give her food, she’s totally cool; she’ll let you paint her nails and all that,” Cyrus says to Fallon who looks a little perturbed.

“We have very different lives,” Fallon says in response, at the end of the interview. We agree with him; we have no peach craving pigs or highly intelligent blowfish, but we do know the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. We’ll get there…someday.