10 Names of Food that you have been pronouncing wrong your whole life
Have you ever been in a position where you’re surrounded by people who were seem like they were born speaking French, or at least those French R’s which roll out of their tongue like sweet melody? Come on, have you always pronounced Gucci as Goo-chi and not Guc-ki? If you have, you’re not the only one. We can not-so-proudly admit that we have been there a few times, but we are just a bit wiser now and say Goo-chi.
Just so you, our fabulous readers, are never in that position, we have rounded us some food names you’ve probably been pronouncing wrong.
1. Chardonnay
What you might be saying: char-doh-ney
What it is: shar-doh-nay
2. Fajita
What you might be saying: Fuh-jee-tah
What it is: Fuh-hee-tah
3. Croissant
What you might be saying: Croi-saant
What it is: krwa-san
4. Zucchini
What you might be saying: Zoo-chi-nee
What it is: Zoo-kee-nee
5. Fondant
What you might be saying: Fon-daa-aant
What it is: Phone-dent
6. Jalapeños
What you might be saying: Ja-la-penos
What it is: hala-pey-nyos
7. Quinoa
What you might be saying: Queen-noah
What it is: keen-wah
8. Espresso
What you might be saying: X-presso
What it is: ess-press-oh
9. Ferrero Rocher
What you might be saying: Ferrero-ro-shar
What it is: Furrero-ro-shey
10. Bruschetta
What you might be saying: broo-sch-etta
What it is: broo-sket-tuh