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10 Things you should never tell a foodie


10. “Isn’t that too much cheese?”
No. It isn’t. It will never be. Because there is no such a thing as too much cheese.

Cheese it up


9. “Are you going to eat ALL that?”

Yes, I am. Feel free to sit at the next table and nibble on some lettuce while I finish my pork ribs. I promise I won’t complain.

Foodie love

8. “No extra fries.”
Syntax error.

Fry Heaven

7. “I don’t like chocolate.”
What is wrong with you?


6. “Eat to live, not live to eat.”
I will eat you up, if you don’t shut up.


5. “Masterchef Australia? Is that like a really good chef in Australia?”
BRAVO! You’re SO smart!


4. I’m not in the mood to eat.
I’m not in the mood for you. Buh-bye now.

Food swings

3. “I don’t want butter on my popcorn.”
No movie is EVER worth watching without butter popcorn.

Butter lovers

2. “I think you should go on a diet.”
I think pigs should fly, and have sunshine coming out of their…nevermind. Just walk away.


1. And the biggest sin of all – “I’m too full. I don’t think I can have dessert.”
I’m sorry. We need to talk. It’s over. Now excuse me while I go stuff my face in a cheesecake.
