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10 Ultimate Signs You’ve Been Bitten By The Foodie Bug


Do you eat live and breathe food? Do you constantly dream about new cuisines and restaurants to try and crave the amazing ones you have already tried? Do you reminisce about the times you have had the perfect creme brûlée? If you do these things you are probably a foodie like us.

 Read on to find out more ultimate foodie signs and embrace the true piggy in you!

 1. When you meet your friends, you constantly go on about the new restaurant that you tried out

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2. You are always confused when you look at the menu and want to order everything!


3. You convince your friends to order the things that you want to try because you just couldn’t fit it into your large order.


4. When your friends and you are re-visiting a restaurant, you talk about all the mouth-watering dishes you experienced the last time you were there.

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5. When you all are trying out a new restaurant you talk about the next new restaurant you should try out


6. You want to travel around the world just to eat all the different cuisines

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7. You hyperventilate when you see that your favourite restaurant is closed for renovation

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8. Instead of people or places, your Instagram account has pictures of food

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9. You are always taking new recipes from your friends and can’t wait to try them out!

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10. Diet? Pfft, What’s that?
