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13 Vegetables That Have More Water Content Than Most Fruits


Come summer and we rush to the nearest fruit market in search of summer fruits to stock up our fridges and fruit bowls. Fruits are our go-to foods when summer comes knocking and fairly so. With their high water content, they can be extremely hydrating to the body. But it is a rarely known fact that there are vegetables that contain more than 90% water content, thus beating a number of fruits when it comes to the hydrating quotient. Here is a list of 13 vegetables, that have more than 90% water content in them and are perfect for the scorching summer.

  1. Cucumber

No surprises there! Cucumber vendors can be seen in pretty much every Indian street selling salted and spiced cucumber sticks, screaming themselves hoarse. Cucumber consists 96% of water, making it one of the vegetables with the highest water content.


  1. Lettuce

Lettuce too consists of 96% of water, sharing the top position with cucumber. It’s hard to believe that those thin leaves contain so much of water, but they do, making them a great addition to your salads, especially on a hot day.

  1. Zucchini

Comprising of 95% of water content makes it one of the most low-calories vegetables. It is also high in Vitamin C and is so versatile that it can be used in any kind of dishes, be it salads, burgers, soups, stir-fries and more. They can also be cut into thin strips and replace your starchy noodles.

  1. Radish

This root vegetable is grown and consumed all over the world in various shapes, sizes, and colors. It contains 95% of water content and adds more than a crunch to your salads. Make sure to add them to your summer diet.

  1. Celery

Apart from having 95% of water content, this crunchy vegetable is loaded with natural salts like sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. You can incorporate them into your dishes or eat them raw with hummus or Greek yogurt.

  1. Tomato

With 94% of water content, a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, including immune-boosting vitamins A and C, this humble vegetable is a must-have during summer. It is also super versatile that it can be added in myriad different ways to your meals from soups to salads and more.

  1. Cabbage

Cabbage, both green and red, have a water content of 93% making it another hydrating veggie to add to your summer diet. they are also high in fiber and other nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, etc. It can also be fermented into sauerkraut, which is also rich in water and has additional digestive benefits.

  1. Cauliflower

Did you know that a cup of cauliflower contains just 25 calories in all? That and 92% of water content makes it a superiorly healthy vegetable that is also so yummy that you can gorge on without any guilt. From purees to being finely chopped into ‘rice’, they can be cooked in a number of ways.

  1. Eggplant

This purple vegetable is another vegetable with 92% of water content. It is a very good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B1, and copper. They can be put into soups, stir-fries and what not.

  1. Peppers

These colorful veggies that are a mandatory ingredient in most oriental dishes, have 92% of water content and also are abundant in numerous vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin B6, beta-carotene, and folic acid.

  1. Spinach

Popeye made us love spinach as a kid but their 92% of water content is going to make us love them even more especially in summer. Add them to your salads or even try something different as smoothies and enjoy them on a hot day.

  1. Broccoli

With 91% of water content, broccoli is super nutritious and hydrating. We definitely need to include this veggie in our meals for a healthy summer.

A simple woman who believes that words have the potential to change the world, she is a foodie at heart with a passion for literature, psychology and all things Harry Potter.