7 Foods that will protect you against Allergies
It’s winter time and most allergies, especially respiratory ones like asthma and bronchitis, seem to get worse. But fear not, as much as foods can cause allergies, some of them can protect you as well. Here are 7 food items that will help you say goodbye to your allergy
Allergies are basically a reflection of low immunity, so boost it up by having this Vitamin C filled fruit.
Lime and Lemon
Have them in a juice or squeeze them into anything you eat.
Soya Bean
Soya bean contains Omega-3 fatty acid. It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds are a great source of Omega-3 Fatty Acid as well!
If you love nuts and you’re not allergic to them, have some walnuts. They too will act as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.
A delicious way to get some Omega-3 fatty acid in you.
Green Tea
Anti-oxidants are good for you. Allergy or not.