Ashvita Bistro gives you points for Playing Dumb on May 19th
How “dumb” can you get?
Guess the movie.
Guess the book.
Guess the Dubsmash. What!
You guessed right. Ashvita is giving you something to do this summer other than, “Go CSK”. Game night on May 19th from 6.30 to 8.30pm. RSVP is necessary of course, so send in your name and email ID and you can start practicing. Exciting prices from Chennai Gaga to be won. While you’re there sneak us some of their amazing vegan desserts and combos.
In a nutshell,
Charades: Book, Movie, Movie series and a special Dubsmash Challenge
On: May 19th, 6.30-8.30 pm
Call: 9791088189 for details or message them, “charades” <space> your name and email id.
Happening at: 11,Bawa road,Alwarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600018