Food Blogs
Food Insecurity in India
Food Security in India
Food insecurity is retreating fast in India. Poverty has decreased from 37.2% in 2004-2005 to 29.8% in 2009-2010.(c. The
country’s economy grew by about 6.4% this year. But much remains to be done. 17.50% of the population remains undernourished, mostly because of increasing
demand. The U.P.A introduced the food security bill to help more indians get cheap access to food, but the scheme does’nt always work. Over 42.5% of children
under 5 are undernourished, and India contains a larger population of malnourished people than some sub saharan african nation, says the ISHI.
So what can be done? First off all, we should probably let farmers use genetically engineered crops. They are easier to farm, resistant to diseases and are
more rewarding (give more produce). We should also improve our transportation systems, as bad stroage causes 16-12 million tons of grain to be lost every year.
These losses are due to many factors, such as rodents, micro-organsisms and enviornmental conditions.
(c.,%20IIT%20Delhi.pdf) We have to improve our storage
systems and boost production, prefferably with GMOs or privatisations. Many of these measures would be controversial among greens and leftists, but this is the
bitter pill that we wil have to take to take to ensure long-term stability. This will probably have other long term benefits, such as emloyment, R&D spending
and crop efficiency.
The govenrmen can also play a part and try to streamline it’s subsidisation schems, along with trying to cut corruption, graft and inefficiency. These
measures will ensure that food insecurity becomes something that will never be associated with india again.