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Grow Herbs And Veggies With A Pencil


No, not just any ordinary pencil. This one is specially made by Sprout World based is Denmark which is a green startup and they’re the first ones to make a sustainable pencil. The idea originated in the bright minds of three students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston.

So now, how does it work? The first job is to pick the pencils out of their crazy variety of basil, oregano, thyme, sage, lemon flower, cherry tomato and many more. Then, you use up the pencil, like you normally would. And once it’s too small to be used, you plant it in a pot filled with soil and water, eraser side buried in the soil. The bottom-end has a capsule that contains seeds that spread evenly when in contact with the soil and water. Easy, isn’t it?

It’s also good to know that this pencil is made up of cedar wood, thus making it sustainable. This wood comes from the trees which get replaced after it is harvested.  You can also take the seeds from the newly grown plants to re-grow some more!


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